Friday, September 21


I have a problem. This seems to be pretty good at derailing me. It kills most of my desire to go out. The problem is I have a couple girls who are fairly cool, and I settle in to a routine where I see them regularly.

Intellectually, my goals are not just to get laid as much as I want. I want to develop the skill so that when I encounter the perfect woman, I can attract and keep her, perhaps even marry her. That's my long term goal. But in the short term, when I'm facing the effort of going out and working at it, versus staying home and having sex, the sex is so tempting.

So here is my promise. Especially now that class is out, I will go out at least four times each week, and NOT bring along a girl I've already closed. I will do this at least until weekend classes start again.


Finch said...

Do you honestly think you will ever meet the perfect woman? The reason I ask is because one of the first things an aspiring PUA has to learn is to get over one-itis and isn't one-itis just the idea that one specific woman is perfect? I remember when I first stumbled onto PU and the community. I was so excited that I had finally found something I felt could give me the control I so desperately wanted over my life. Sadly, the excitment was short lived. The first time I went sarging I number closed a very attractive girl, inside and out. We saw each other again the next day and continued to see each other every weekend after that. She was unlike anyone I had ever dated before. Now this might seem like a good thing, and it should have been, but it wasn't enough for me. So I convinced myself that she was too much of this or too little of that, or in other words, not what I wanted. You see, she could never be perfect for me because I no longer believed in perfect. I had just begun my journey in PU and I wasn't ready to give it up. The sky was the limit. I thought I could do better. I thought I could get good enough to where I could go out every night and get laid by a different HB. And the worst part is, I thought this would make me happy. What I know now is that happiness wasn't even on the menu. The reason being that I let my happiness be determined by the notches on my bedpost. I was more interested in the hunt than the kill. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it is important to ask yourself which of the two you are most interested in. The average guy doesn't have a lot to lose by settling down. He meets a nice girl, realizes based on past experience that he probably can't get any better, and makes the decision. The best part is he never has to second guess himself. But we are not your average guys anymore. And we always have to second guess ourselves. We know what the possibilities are. We know that if we work hard enough there is no limit to the quantity and quality of women we can get. In other words, we have a lot to lose by settling down. So I ask you a again, do you really think anyone will ever be good enough? Or will we always be too in love with the game to ever really love someone else?

Vector said...

Ok, I've posted a response as a new blog post.

There's something on terminology I want to point out here in the comment instead of as part of the post. To me, one-itis means being hung up on a particular girl (specifically one who is not reciprocating), not the general idea that there is a perfect woman out there. Believing that there exists a woman that would make you quit the game is not what the term one-itis means to me.

You did elaborate though so I think I knew what you meant.