Tuesday, August 14

The Transition from Girl to Woman

If the subject of age comes up (and it almost always does), I'll say this:

I've noticed women change a lot between 20 and 30. There is a sort of transition that happens. Sometimes it occurs earlier, sometimes it occurs later, but it usually happens between 20 and 30. Prior to the transition, a girl will be flaky, she won't really know what she wants in life, she'll pay way too much attention to what her friends think. After the transition, she'll have found herself, she knows what she likes and what she doesn't like, and if she sees something she wants she goes for it. She's grown up.

I just met you, so I don't really know if you've gone through the transition yet, but since you're 23, I'd say there's only a 30 percent chance you've gone through the transition...


Finesse said...

You know. I was thinking about this very thing the other day, and I have a theory about this. And that theory is what I like to call the "Theory of Confidence". Its funny I found this because I was actually writing a blog about this to post later that includes all my thoughts.
See when women are in the phase that they "don't know" what they want, it basically stems from a lack of being real. The way this world is now is completely different. Women grow up watching shows like "Sex in the City" and reading cosmo. So they become programmed to be fake. "Fake it til you make it", They are programmed to be social elitests.
There are 2 groups, the social elitests and nerds. Nerds are real but lack social understanding, Social elitests are most often fake but contain some real people (nerds that have become socially aware). The percentage is 85% fake to 15% real.
Being real means you understand truth. You understand that what you say is truth and you believe what you believe above all. Truth is confidence. And everyone, including men eventually, at some point come to understand and it clicks. Which is why a 30 year most often seems to have their afairs in order more so than a 20 something.
Thats the basic theory. Call me if you'd like me to explain it in more detail.

Vector said...

I ran this routine on a girl tonight. And of course I am fishing for a response of, "oh, I know what i want in life," or, "yeah, I have got my life together," or somesuch. But the girl was not really saying that. She was agreeing vaguely with what I was saying and how she does her own thing and is not influenced by her friends or society. In my book that's half way there. But she didn't say she was on a path to success. I started to probe, because I really screen on this, and no, she was just basically following her wishes of the moment and didn't really know what she wanted.

It was a bummer because she was sorta cute, but that was a turn-off...

Finesse said...

I need to let you borrow a little book I have. It's Completely Cold by Kenton Nepper. It's a book, basically on cold reading people, but the principles that are in the book can be applied to everything. What I've found out so far is no girl that I have talked to really has their life together, or is really accomplishing anything.

Maybe, its just because Im stuck down here.... you think? :(

Vector said...

I've already got Completely Cold, so no need to lend it to me, but thanks for the offer.

As for women who have their life together, I guess one of the things is whether they try to jump through my hoop or not. Like any qualifier, if they try to tell me how "together" they are, then I know they are into me and I can legitimately appreciate them. Sometimes I throw out this hoop too early and they don't try to fit what I want.

Another part of it is framing, so if they tell me they are responsible and not flakey, then I should get fewer flakes. (That's the theory, but I honestly haven't made any measurements of flakiness.)