Friday, April 4


Those of you who know me know that I am pretty particular when it comes to words and terminology.

It bugs the hell out of me when people talk about teaching Natural game. Because 'Natural' describes not a style of game, but rather how a person comes to learn to be good at game.

A Natural arrives at it through experiences in childhood and adolescence and perhaps some through talking to friends and maybe even a little reading about dating. But the Natural primarily comes to it not via the community or being taught.

To teach Natural Game is an oxymoron. Natural Game is not taught, by definition.

Nor does it really make sense for "Natural game" to mean "the style of game that Naturals have" because Naturals have lots of different styles. Some are flashy with money and symbols, some are physically built or socially dominant, and some lie through their teeth and make promises they never intend to keep. Plenty of Naturals are assholes that nobody wants to be around.

Some people wish they were Naturals. It's to be expected. I think the reason is pride. A Natural doesn't have to suffer the embarassment of looking outside for help in dating.

Natural game is not a bad thing try to sell. If you're selling Natural game, then everything else must be unnatural. And even though I'm following the instructions from an expert to do things I don't normally do, Natural game should feel natural to me. And we all know (and envy) how everything is effortless and magical with true Naturals. I'd love to awaken the inner Natural in me, because I want it to be effortless with me too.

Bullshit. Just goes to show if you choose words carefully you can own the frame.


Unknown said...

I hear this too. I figure what they are talking about is direct game. Of course it could be that they are talking about enhancing natural positive attributes instead of teaching new socialization habits.

Just about every guy can get laid and most have at one point or another. If that is true, it's just a matter of figuring out why and focusing on that. That would be teaching natural game I guess. I still believe that learning and practicing skills that almost always work is the best way to get there.

While learning skills to get better at pickup is smart, I do believe that living a life that excites us and letting opportunities come to us instead of practicing pickup in hopes that it will make life exciting.


Vector said...

I would be in favor of what might be called "genuine" game, which may still be direct or indirect, but would use honest stories and less distraction tactics with bar jokes or magic tricks.

This sort of genuine game is basically what Juggler has been teaching for years. And once you get used to using it, it will feel comfortable. The women will like you for who you are.

I agree that while conversational skills help, it can only take you so far without a lifestyle to support it.